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Art And Culture Of Ancient Nepal

Human beings learn from their expertise, gain data and use them in solving their issues. They discover and make new data and categorical and share their feelings in a very sort of ways in which like drawing, painting, music, literature, etc. we tend to decision such acts as arts. Similar ly, all societies develop bound behavior, habits and values that are passed on from generation to generation and become the simplest way of life that we tend to decision culture .Art and culture developed in Nepal in conjunction with the event of human civilization. However, evidently, it may be traced from the reign of the Kirants though it had been not well-organized. the arrival of Lichchhavi rulers in Nepal from Baishali (India) brought a drastic amendment. King Mandev of this dynasty e xtended the territory of Nepal way and wide beyond the Kathmandu valley. Nepal became a dwelling place of various castes and creeds. The caste distinction started within the society. This division of caste base