Dhurmus Suntali Foundation is social association set up by Nepali humorist couple Sitaram Kattel "Dhurmus" and Kunjana Ghimire "Suntali" after damaging Earthquake happened on April 25, 2015 (Baisakh 12, 2074) with the point of reproduction of settlement for survivors and lead other social welfare exercises.
The association is taking a shot at Women's correct, Child Right, Against Child Marriage and Early Pregnancy, Education, Poverty end, Sustainable Development, Health, safe settlement, Water and Sanitation, Cultural Protection, issues of social incorporation like issue of Terai and Environment and so forth. It has likewise effectively created and coordinated different narratives as successful Information, Education and Communication devices which is utilized for mass mindfulness programs in consuming issues of the general public.
The association have well prestigious national craftsmen, National Planners, Program Implementors, Health Specialists, Bankers and backers in its Advisory Committee.
The changeless houses in settlements developed for unfortunate casualties and overcomers of cataclysmic events and most impeded gathering are youngster inviting, Environment Friendly, cripple Friendly.
Correspondingly, Foundation is leading different mass mindfulness and formative projects in coordination and association with various government offices, common associations and systems. The narratives on Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Child Friendly Local Governance (CFLG), Open Defecation Free (ODF), Vital enlistment, Child marriage, and so forth has been created which are additionally utilized in mass mindfulness programs through various media. The association has collaboratelly worked with Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation, National Reconstruction Authority, Central Bureau of Statistics, UNICEF, UNOPS and numerous other nongovernmental associations like Save the Children.

The association alongside author team has been esteemed with numerous gratefulness and commendation letters from administration of Nepal and Community individuals for its compassionate and liberal work.
Today cricket is most played gathering game at contribute open space with Bat and ball. For the most part, cricket has discovered classification, test match of five days, one day match and 20/20 cricket. Everywhere throughout the world the game is under constrained by Internation Cricket Council. It was begun from Britain on fifth century which is known as Anglo Saxon period. Toward the starting the game was played by kids utilizing stick and ball, the game was pulled in and played by youngsters on around seventeenth century as it were. At the point when we see history of cricket it is said that ball for the game was made with the fleece of sheep, the ball was tossed by one and endeavored to get by other. Later on the idea of wicket was embraced in which tossed ball was guarded by batsman from strilking with the shaft.
It is accepted that the word cricket is curtailed from the dutch word Cric which implies a stick which is utilized as bat and wicketin the game. In old stories like Mahabharat, it is likewise expressed that God Krishna utilized stick to play Tel kasa like cricket.
In spite of the fact that the game was said to be played from fifth century, authoritatively first proof on cricket coordinate is just observed on 1646 A.D. In history it is likewise referenced that a few ministers of Church were additionally rebuffed for playing cricket and not going to chapel. The British William Goldwen distributed book on the principles of cricket on 1706. In that time there used to be two wickets and one over for two balls. Later on a book distributed on 1944 AD was expounded on two domains on a game.
Hambledon of England is the principal cricket club set up on 1760. Thus Marylebone is second club built up on 1787 AD.
In starting period of cricket, a was moved towards the wicket yet after 1770 the game is played by tossing the ball which has been continued.LWB accompanied the standard on 1774 and onwards in a play rather than two wickets three wickets were put. Three days coordinate was begun from 1780 and just because six balls were made one over. So also, in 1870 the idea of Chauka and sixer was created.
As of late cricket is one of the most subject of worry after governmental issues. Cricket of Nepal has got its acknowledgment from the achievement in global matches. Furthermore, Nepali cricket player is enlisted through sale to play in universal gathering have likewise aasured the better eventual fate of Nepal Cricket and group as awhole.
Nepal got triumph on T20 World Cup which is a major accomplishment for Nepali Cricket Team and was the achievement for future.
Globally 30 nations have composed cricket for outwardly debilitated individuals among which Nepal is first to sort out national level cricket match-up of outwardly impeded ladies. The national level outwardly weakened ladies' Cricket coordinate have support distinctively abled individuals particularly ladies to partake in various outside games and have changed the social point of view towards them.
In authority of Blind Cricket Association, outwardly disabled cricket crew played neighborly cricket coordinate with Pakistan on 2008 and 2010. In 2012 December first T20 game composed in Banglore, India outwardly hindered Men's Cricket crew effectively took an interest. In that group, Bhagwati Bhattarai and Rupa Balal additionally effectively played with men which was acknowledged universally.
Nepal got enrollment of International Cricket Council on 1988. Following 30 years Nepal was allowed to One day Cricket.
With inception of one day cricket, Nepali Cricket has begun fresh start, openings and difficulties.
In spite of question on CAN Nepali cricket has been picking up progress and has been valued all around. For coming four years Nepal will have numerous open doors consequently it's a high time to accomplish something attainable.
In this situation, this is a proposition of Dhurmus SUntali Foundation to make Gautam Buddha International Cricket Stadium with dynamic cooperation and coordination with government, Community and private secotrs.
The venture not just create game and cricketers it additionally spreads message for such a significant number of years in front of master Buddha that he is conceived in Nepal.
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