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Water resource of Nepal

Water is the most vital characteristic asset of Nepal. Nepal is rich in water asset. Nature has been extremely kind to us by giving us boundless supply of water. Nepal is the second wealthiest in the water assets on the planet after Brazil. Nepal is a landlocked nation. So Nepal does not have admittance to the ocean or seas. In any case, there are heaps of streams that spill out of the Himalayas. At the point when snow softens in the Himalayas, the ice sheet and waterways are shaped. The streams move through the mountain areas to the Terai. The principle streams of Nepal are Mechi, Koshi, Narayani, Gandaki, Karnali and Mahakali. These streams have a few tributaries. Notwithstanding these Kankai, Bagmati, Trishuli, Marshyangi, Seti, Rapti, Bheri and furthermore imperative streams of Nepal. Lakes are likewise essential wellsprings of water. There are numerous lakes in Nepal. Rara lake is the biggest. It is situated in Mugu locale. The second biggest lake is the Phewa. It is in Pokhara, Kaski. Begnas and Rupa lakes are additionally in Pokhara. Lakes are typically huge regions of water encompassed via arrive. Phoksundo is the most profound pool of Nepal. It is situated in Dolpa area. Tilicho is situated at the most noteworthy height. It is in Manang area. Some well known lakes are Gosain Kunda (Rasuwa region) and Satyawati (Palpa locale). Waterways and lakes together with different streams, lakes and underground water shape water assets. These are essential hotspots for the improvement of Nepal. Water is utilized for some reasons. It is utilized for drinking and washing. It is utilized for water system. Water system is the help for farming. Hydro-power is delivered from quick streaming waterways. Numerous hydro-control stations have been inherent Nepal to tap streams for creating power. The major hydro-power activities are: Kaligandaki: 144MW Marsyangdi: 75MW Kulekhani I: 60MW Bhote Koshi: 36MW Khimti: 60MW Kulekhani: 32MW


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