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Nature Nepal

Nepal is incredibly rich and differed in its biodiversity because of the altitudinal differences, which makes Nepal a nation of lavish sodden timberland and inadequate snow capped leave to sumptuous fields. The precipitous district additionally shields a portion of the world's most uncommon types of fauna. Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park and Chitwan National Park with their common regular, social and scene attributes were recorded as World Heritage destinations in 1979 and 1984, individually. Built up in 1973, Chitwan National stop is the initially ensured territory of Nepal. What's more, the ensured zones now incorporates ten national parks, three natural life holds, one chasing store and six preservation territories and eleven support zones covering a territory of 34,186.62 sq. km that is 23.23% of the aggregate region of the nation. Plants Nepal has the record of somewhere in the range of 6500 types of blooming plants and greeneries for Nepal, which is around 4 times the same number of the UK, 300 of which are endemic to Nepal. Nepal's significance to world protection is further highlighted by the universal acknowledgment of the Himalayan Region as one of the World's main 20 worldwide biodiversity hotspots: a locale of which Nepal is a noteworthy part. Secured Medicinal Plants of Nepal ( 1. Dactylorhiza hatagirea Panchaunle 2. Bark of Juglans regia Okhar ko bokra 3. Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora Kutki 4.
Nardostachys grandiflora Jatamansi 5. Rauvolfia serpentina Sarpagandha 6. Cinnamomum glaucescens Sugandhakokila 7. Valeriana jatamansi Sugandhawal 8. Lichen spp. Jhyau 9. Abies spectabilis Talispatra 10. Taxus spp. Lauth salla 11. Cordyceps sinensis Yarsagomba 12. Michelia champaca Champ 13. Acacia catechu Khayar 14. Shorea robusta Sal 15. Bombax ceiba Simal 16. Dalbergia latifolia Satisal 17. Pteocarpus marsupium Bijayasal 18. Juglans regia Okhar Winged creatures and birdlife in Nepal Nepal is one of wealthiest nation for birdlife and is gave with 9% of the aggregate feathered creatures of the world including various imperiled, all inclusive undermined with one endemic animal groups, Spiny Babbler. Himalayan Monal (Impeyan fowl) or Danphe, Lophophorus impejanus is the national winged creatures of Nepal. By the law of nation, taking after nine species are ensured winged animals. Ensured feathered creatures of Nepal 1. Chir fowl (Kalij) Catreus wallichii 2. Impeyan fowl (Danphe) Lophophorus impejanus 3. Red horned bird (Monal) Tragopan satyra 4. White stork (Seto Sarus) ciconia 5. Bengal floricans (Khar major) Eupodotis bengalensis 6. Lesser floricans (Sano khar major) Sypheotides indica 7. Sarus crane (Sarus) grus 8. Goliath hornbill (Thulo dhanesh) Buceros bicornis 9. Dark stork (Kalo sarus) Ciconia nigra Orchids Orchids are the nature's one of the best show in their blossoming designs. The world has somewhere in the range of 600 genera of this gathering in plant families, and out of this, Nepal has 57 genera (27 Terrestrials and 30 Epiphytic) with a couple of lithophytes. Across the board into various environmental zones, from the foot slopes of the Himalayas to the fields in the Terai, the orchid-world in Nepal is hugely fascinating for nature beaus and agricultural specialists. More than 300 types of orchids are found in Nepal, among which 11 species are endemic to Nepal and they are: (1) Bulbophyllum ambrosia subsp. nepalensis (2) Eria baniaii Bajracharya (3) Eria nepalensis (4) Eria pokharensis (5) Liparis olivacea (6) Neottia nepalensi (7) Malaxis monophyllos (8) Malaxis tamurensis (9) Oberonia nepalensis (10) Oreorchis pporphyranthes (11) Pleione coronaria Butterflies 11 of world's 15 groups of butterflies making more than 643 species in Nepal (Butterflies of Nepal, Collin Smith) Vertebrates There are 167 vertebrate species in Nepal or l4% of warm blooded animals on earth, of which 1 is basically jeopardized (Pygmy Hog Sus salvanius), 11 are imperiled, 20 are defenseless, and 4 are close debilitated. Taking after are the ensured creatures of Nepal 1. Assamese monkey (Assamis rato Bandar) Macaca assamensis 2. Indian pangolin (Salak Manis) pentadactyla 3. Hispid bunny (Hispid kharayo) Caprolagus hispidus 4. Wolf (Bwanso) Canis lupus 5. Himalayan Bear (Himali rato bhalu) Ursus arctos 6. Red panda (Habre) Ailurus fulgens 7. Spotted linsang (Silu) Prionodon pardicolor 8. Panther feline (Chari bagh) Felis bengalensia 9. Lynx Felis lynx 10. Obfuscated panther (Dwanse chituwa) Neofelis nebulosa 11. Illustrious Bengal Tiger (Pate Bagh) Panthera tigris 12. Snow panther (Hiun chituwa) Panthere uncia 13. Asiatic elephant (Hatti) Elephas maximus 14. One Honed Asiatic Rhino (Gainda) Rhiniceros unicornis 15. Pygmi hoard (Pudke Bandel) Sus salvanius 16. Musk deer (Kasturi mirga) Moschus moschiferos 17. Overwhelm deer (Barhasingha) Cervus duvauceli 18. Gaur (Gauri gai) Bos gaurus 19. Wild (Yak) Bos grunniens 20. Wild bison (Arna) Bubalus bubalis 21. Incredible Tibetan sheep (Nayan) Ovis ammon 22. Tibetan antilope (Chiru) Pantholops hodgsoni 23. Blackbuck (Krisnasar) Antilope cervicapra 24. Four-horned antilope (Chauka) Tetraceros quadricornis 25. Striped hynae (Hundar) hyaena 26. Gangetic dolphin (Shons) Platanista gangetica Reptiles The types of reptiles found in Nepal surpasses well more than hundred, among which crocodiles, Monitor reptile and Python are ther biggest and there are three of them recorded under the secured creature in Nepal as: 1. Ghariyal (Gharial gohi) Gavialis gangeticus 2. Python (Ajingar) Python spp. 3. Screen reptile (Sun gohoro) Varanus flavescens _________________________________ Source: species.asp Winged animal Conservation Nepal:


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