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Himalayan region of Nepal

The high precipitous locale with an elevation of 3000 meters to 8848 meters above ocean level, is the Himalayan area. The snow line keeps running at 5000 meters. The Himalayan range like the Kumbhakaran, the Jugal, the Mustang, the Ganesh, the Annapurna, and Dhaulagiri and the Kanjiroba fan out from the east toward the west. Sagarmatha, Kanchenjunga, Manaslu, Lhotse, Annapurna, Makalu and Dhaulagiri are a portion of the most noteworthy pinnacles of these reaches. Around 15 percent of the aggregate land territory of the nation falls inside the Himalayan area. Profits by the Himalayas: The Himalayan from characteristic limit of the north. It helps Nepal to remain a free and sovereign kingdom. Extending amongst Nepal and China, the Himalayas have spared the cost of raising simulated fringe posts The Himalayas shield Nepal from the chilly winds blowing from focal Asia. The Himalayas cause storm rain amid summer. The vast majority of the waterway of Nepal start from the snow-clad piles of the Himalayas. The waterway which stream quickly from the Himalayas, are extremely valuable for producing hydro-electric power. The snow-clad Himalayas have an exceptional characteristic magnificence. It pulls in voyagers and mountain climbers from various nations. They are significant wellsprings of remote cash pay.


Agriculture is the primary wellspring of pay of the general population living in this area. They develop maize, millet, potatoes, foods grown from the ground. Creature cultivating is one of the principle occupations. They raise cows, sheep, mountain-goats (Chyangra), yaks, and so forth which give them drain, cheddar, spread, meat, and so forth.


There are some house businesses. They create floor coverings, covers, and so forth from the crude fleece of the sheep. They likewise make thick woolen coats for their utilization. Cheddar, margarine, ghee are produced using creature items. Colt and Jumla regions are well known for apple. There are apple related ventures too.


The general population buckle down and eat a great deal and they once in a while fall sick. The general population are very solid and sound. Wellbeing focus and wellbeing posts are likewise settled in a portion of the spots.


Previously, the general population needed to come down to the uneven locale for instruction. Be that as it may, now, endeavors are being made to instruct the general population of this area and there are schools up to optional level. 

The general population living in this district are for the most part Sherpas, Lhomis and Lopas. They take after Buddhism. They praise the Lhosar celebration which falls in Magh. They visit each other's homes amid celebrations.


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