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Why Nepalese leaving Nepal

Lack of Money
I am 21 years old guy and I am always thinking that why Nepalese leaving our Country day by day. When I am in school I think  that I will be a doctor, Pilot, Engineer or some one whose rank is high in our Nepali Society but I don't know that is not easy to get in my life. In our country every person is judge by their work like if you work in school or you are teacher then you have lots of knowledge and you have best rank in your society  but if you  work in washing clothes company then you will lost ranks in your society no one understand your feelings and no one talk with you nicely because you work in washing clothes company that is the main reason.

Now days Nepalese creative generation leaving Nepal day by day and there are lots of facts includes on it.
First is Nepali Politics, our country is just out from internal war and there are lots of problems in politic and we know corruption is another problem in  our country. Maximum politic leader is  corrupted and every one is attracted towards this system so politics and corruption is one of the biggest problem for leaving Nepal.
Nepali People staying in line for abroad 
Another fact is lack of works, every person passed school, colleges and maximum people know that we should read for live alive but in our country you can not get targeted work for your study that means if you read science and if you want work in science field then it is too much hard to get that job in Nepal, if you get that chance you should fight lots of people by examination and you will never selected. Therefor lack of work is another biggest problem for leaving Nepal.
Lack of facilities, like electricity, drinking water salter, telecommunication etc are the basic services that we need to survive but in Nepal its hard to get them generally in city areas all services are provided but in village areas even we can not get electricity all people stay in the dark night so one of the reason for leaving Nepal is lack of facilities.
We can not get respect for our work, In Nepali Society people rank work as big for good person and small works for bad or low  people so new generation did not want work in our country because people did not respect small works so maximum young generation want to go out of country for the works. This is the most horrible problem of Nepal  .
There are lots of facts behind Nepalese leaving Nepal, it is the most sad part of the Nepal and until this problem is not solved Nepal never be one of the successful country. But I don't think it is possible peoples are leaving villages and staying in city areas. All foods are coming from out of country, working fields are leaving and there is low in food growing rate every year. Hope Nepali government will take some actions to control it as soon as possible, we can just wait for that day.


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