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Five Famous Tourist Place of Nepal

Nepal the best and grate tourism country in the world. Nepal is located between two big countries like China and India. A Hill peak, wildlife, culture, tradition, natural sights, picturesque gives much attention for the tourist. Nepal also well knows destination for the trekking adventures activities.
There are many places to enjoy these natural things. Five famous places are describe as following
The capital city of Nepal is Kathmandu and it is the best place for the tourism in Nepal. Kathmandu is a valley which contains more than 130 sights of Buddhist religious and Hindu. Kathmandu covers the seven world heritage sights which are declared from the UNESCO. Different exciting long trekking and short routes are also attracting large number of natural lovers. Durbar Square, hanuman Dhoka, Kumari Chowk, Pashupatinath temple, Swayambhu Temple are the famous attraction of the Kathmandu valley.
Well many people’s know where is the born place of God Buddha it is in Nepal. Lumbini is a great place of Buddhist pilgrimage site which is located in the Rupandehi district of Nepal. Lord Buddha is born in that city. We can see many famous temples in the Lumbini. These all temples show the fine example of Buddhist culture and art. Many big Devi Temples are also found in Limbuni. Maya Devi who give birth for Lord Buddha, there is a temple which shows art of Buddha’s mother. One of the important historical sights of Lumbini is Ashoka Pillar which is very old and many people are visiting this every day.

The famous destination for observation of wildlife is Langtang national Part which is located in at the Langtang valley of Nepal. This national park is full of rare species of flora and fauna. The main attractions of the park are pandas which are in the state of disappear from the world and all people gives important towards this animal. We can also see Himalayan bears and monkey in this national park.
The highest peak of the world is located in Nepal and it provides grate economic and natural source for the Nepal. Mountain climbers are very interested to see the Mount Everest in their life so many tourists are come in Nepal for it and it is also one of the famous places for tourism in Nepal. We can see amazing views of the ice capped hill peaks in Everest.
Annapurna Hills are the very famous place in Nepal for trekking and natural sightseeing. The region is also well known as the place of paradise of trekkers. In this place many tourist can enjoy natural beauty, culture and rare wildlife of the country. Annapurna trekking way is the famous trekking route all over the world.
This all exciting places make Nepal full of natural adventure and grate destination for the tourism. These places are the some example of Nepal, there are lots of places which give different natural beauty for the Nepal and many people come in Nepal for different purposes like spending holidays, trekking, climbing etc.


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