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Social Structure Of Ancient Nepal:-

The history of Nepal has been divided into three periods:-
  1. The Ancient Period (up to 937 BS)
  2. Medieval Period (937 BS- 1825 BS)

  3. Modern Period (1825 BS onward)

Many kings of various dynasties ruled over Nepal during the ancient period. Bhuktaman is regarded as the first king of Nepal of the Gopal dynasty. After Gopals, Mahishpals ruled over Nepal. Kirants defeated Mahishpals and stared to rule in Nepal. Altogether 29 Kirant kings ruled over Nepal for more than 1200 years. The last king of this dynasty, Gasti was defeated by Nimish, the Lichchhavi king and the Lichchhavi regime was set up in Nepal.

The history of Nepal begins with the Kirants. We have some images and stupas built by them. The Kirants had rich civilization. The names of many places are derived from the Kirant words. For example, Teku from Tengkhu, Tyagul from Tegval, Farping from Fanpring, Banepa from Bhajana, Khopasi from Khurpring, etc. The Kirant had their own script which was called Sirijangha. They worshipped Lord Shiva in the forms of Kiranteshwar Mahadev. They also worshipped serpent, tree, river, stone and lighting. The image of Birupaksha shows the standard of their architecture. Buddhism flourished under the Kirants. The images of deities and the Ashoka stupas speak their rich sculpture. The holy book of Kirant is called the Mundhum in which the rites and rituals followed by Kirants have been mentioned.

The Kirants were short but stout. They had broad cheeks, flat nose, dark eyes and thin whiskers. They established many permanent villages in the valley. They cultivated land and raised cattle for agriculture, meat and milk. They lived in joint family. They had special festivals to mark sowing and reaping. Their major food consisted of milk. Meant, green leaves, vegetables, rice, roots, fruit and fish. They consumed wine. They enjoyed wrestling and bull fighting. They had established many law-courts to punish th criminals. The Kirants were simple in their manner and customs.

The Lichchhavi society was based on caste system. Brahmin, Chhetri, Baisya and Shudra were the main castes. People lived in joint families. The status of women was high in the society. King Mandev had inscribed the image of his wife Bhogini in his coin. Polygamy system was practiced. King Mandev had three wives named Bhogini, Gunawati and Kshem Sundari. Sati system was in practice but it was not compulsory. King Mandev did not allow his mother Rajyawati to do Sati(i. e. burn herself with her dead husband’s body on the funeral pyre) when his father died.

The Condition of education was good during the Lichchhavi period. Amshuverma was a learned king. He had written a book called “Shabda Vidhya”. The Veda, Purana, Smriti, Ramayan, Mahabharat and the ancient religious epics were the main text of that time.

Both male and female could wear the ornaments. King Narendra Dev wore various valuable ornaments. People observed various Jatras and festivals for entertainment. The practice of Baraha jatra, Kailasku-Jatra, etc. are mentioned in the inscription. Dashain, Deepawali, Buddha Jayanti were their main festivals. The Kirants and the Lichchhavis were also entertained by wrestling and bull fighting. There was a good religious tolerance in the society.

There for Nepal is full of history and old memories including all bad and good things, many kings are ruled in this nation all kings are not play good rule in the development of the nation they think only about their life but some kings are really helpful for the development of the nation they ruled for the nation and give some extra things for people and country, such a Nepal is full of history.


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