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Visit Nepal – 1998

It was only in the year 1980’s when Nepal came out of its centuries old loneliness and moved into the path of modern development. After Nepal has been opened for the world it has affected many fields. It has improved our economy through different aspects. Moreover, tourists coming from different places go back and make our nation known to many other people. After 47 years, the government of our country decided to celebrate visit Nepal year 1998. The number of tourists was 60,000 in 1962, and In 1997 it has increased to 377 thousands. The government hoped to welcome half a million tourist in 1998.Tourists mainly come to our country with three purposes: firstly, for viewing the natural beauties, secondly; to observe the ancient and modern art and architecture, and the thirdly; with religious aspects.

Through Nepal is small in size and poor in economy, it give different unforgettable experiences and feeling to the people. Enchanting monuments and festivals of the Katmandu valley, snow peaks, the Himalayas, the dense jungle, the birthplace of Buddha and other opportunities like rafting, trekking & mountaineering are other important factors. Besides, many Hindus visit Nepal with religious aspects also.It is very beneficial for our economy to increase the number of incoming tourists. Besides, it helps us to improve and open a lot of other areas such as hotel’s transportation, communication, shopping facilities, which also means progress. They leave their foreign currencies on our land. Furthermore, we can make our country known to the world through these tourists.

Tourist are our guests. It becomes our responsibility to welcome them with our open arms. We all must therefore respect their visits and create a healthy impression which attract them to visit Nepal again and again. In that way from 1998 Nepal is open for all peoples of world , all peoples can visit Nepal with freedom and study nature ,culture,natural resources of Nepal from 1998 , there for this year is also called golden year of Nepal, and now tourism is one of the best economic source of Nepal , many peoples of Nepal gets jobs in tourism sect-res.


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