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A Grate Political Hero Of Nepal :-

There are many political figures whose names have been written in a golden color in the book of history. Among them, Late Ganesh Man Singh is one, whom I am impressed very much with. He was a great , political leader whose might, labors and abled leadership brought real democracy in Nepal in 2047 B.S.

He was then named ‘Father of Democracy Ganeshman Singh was born on 24th kartik in the year 1972 in Yatkha, as an eldest son of Subha ganeshman Singh and Subhadra Kumari Shrestha. He was admitted in Darbar High School in class five but was expelled from the school in grade six for not having respected Rana’s children. He passed his S.L.C. from Calcutta. He was introduced to Nepali politics when he was studying in I.Sc. in Calcutta. He came to Rastriya Praja Parished. He was married to Mangla Deli immediately after he joined the party. The contemporary Rana government sentenced him to life imprisonment. His contemporary leaders Gangalal, Dharma Bhakta, Dashrath Chandra and Sukraraj who were imprisoned at the same time were executed.

Rana’s confinement could not fix him to the prison. He ran away from the Bhadragol prison in 2001 BS, Baisakh and went to India where he met B.P. Koirala in Calcutta. Along with B.P. Koirala, he established Nepal National Congress on 12th Magh 2003 BS. The same party in the unison of Subarna Shamsher’s Prajantantrik Congress became Nepali Congress in 2006 BS. He Became the founder of Nepali Congress.

In the preparation of 2007’s revolution, he came back to Nepal underground but was captured and pained. He was released after the 2007’s Independence. He even became minister two times. He was elected as a member of parliament from Kathmandu. He again became a minister in B. P. Koirals’s prime ministership.He was again imprisoned for eight years after the party system was banished in 2017 Poush 1. After freeing ffrom Sundarijal Jail, he went back to Indian and led the revolutionary team for democracy.

In the year 2046 Falgun 7th historical movement broke out in the country. In the people’s movement he was the leading commander of the movement. He was then imprisoned in his home. He was helped by all six communist party of the country. When he became seriously ill, he was admitted in Bir hospital, where he was again imprisoned. When the restriction of the multiparty system was lifted there was a hige mass gathering in Tundikhel in 2046, Chaitra 27th. He was there addressed as Father of Democracy.

He was in fact a great political here, who did not care for his own family life or property but revolted continuously for freedom of people. His life was full of adventure and pity. When I realized, that all this he sacrificed was for the people as a whole, and not for him alone, my respect towards him comes truly from heart. And I, with great esteem say, long live great Ganeshman Singh My hero.


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