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Showing posts from June, 2012

Relationship between Agriculture and Industries In Nepal:-

In Nepal, there is a close relationship between agriculture and industry. Agriculture is indispensable for industries. Industries need raw materials which are agriculture products. Without agriculture products our industries will come to a half. For example a sugar industry is based on sugar-cane which is an agriculture product. Sugar industry in Biratangar gets sugar-cane grown in Morang and Sunsari districts. Similarly, districts like Rautahat, Bara, Parsa, Nawalparasi and Rupandehi supply sugar-cane to the sugar mills in Nawalparasi, Birgunj, Sarlahi and Bhairahawa. Oil-seeds like mustard, linseed, sesame, ground-nut, soybean, and sunflower are the raw materials for oil industries. Jute mills produce sacks, ropes, twines, etc. In order to produce these goods, raw jute is required and it is a product of agriculture. Tea-leaf is a raw material for tea industry. Ilam and Jhapa districts are main areas for tea cultivation; similarly, cigarette industry is based on tobacco, textile indus

Relation Between China and Nepal :-

Chine lies to the north of Nepal. It is much bigger than Nepal in size and population. It is the third largest country with the highest population in the world. China is surrounded by Korea, Japan and the Pacific ocean in the east, by Kazakistan, Kirgistan, Tazakistan and Indian(Kashmir) in the west. Mongolia and Russian Federation are in the north. IN its south the India, Nepal, Bhutan. Laos and Vietnam. China has an area of 9,600,000 Sq. Km. China is called the People’s Republic of China. Beijing is the Capital of China. China has made great development. Nepal’s relation with china is very old. The Buddhist scriptures say that Manjushree came to Katmandu valley from China, drained out the water and made the valley fit for settlement. Huen Sang, a Chinese traveler, visited Nepal about thirteen hundred years ago. Similarly, about seven hundred years ago, Nepalese artisan Araniko had gone to China and had built several structures there. During the Lichchhavi period, king Anshuverma of N

Visit Nepal – 1998

It was only in the year 1980’s when Nepal came out of its centuries old loneliness and moved into the path of modern development. After Nepal has been opened for the world it has affected many fields. It has improved our economy through different aspects. Moreover, tourists coming from different places go back and make our nation known to many other people. After 47 years, the government of ou r country decided to celebrate visit Nepal year 1998. The number of tourists was 60,000 in 1962, and In 1997 it has increased to 377 thousands. The government hoped to welcome half a million tourist in 1998.Tourists mainly come to our country with three purposes: firstly, for viewing the natural beauties, secondly; to observe the ancient and modern art and architecture, and the thirdly; with religious aspects. Through Nepal is small in size and poor in economy, it give different unforgettable experiences and feeling to the people. Enchanting monuments and festivals of the Katmandu valley

Rafting In Nepal:

The most popular and adventure activity is rafting and it is very famous in Nepal many international visitors are comes in Nepal for it because they can get chance to play with white fast running water and nature. Fast running river rafting is the most funny and most brave sport and it gains much popularity in Nepal because Nepal is full of mountains and all big rivers are comes from direct all mountains and they all are in very spe ed which is best for rafting. There for many tourists are visiting and gaining this fun in Nepali rivers now days and its popularity is going rapidly out side of Nepal. If any person is searching for the water fun then river rafting in Nepal is best chance for him/her. White water rafting is most best trip in Nepal. Trishuli river, Bheri river, Arun river, Marshyangdi river, Bhote Koshi, karnali river etc are the best rivers for rafting in Nepal, you can get full of enjoyment in rivers with play of nature , all services are providing from the trip orga

Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Religious Traditions and Festivals in Nepal

Nepal is a land of rich cultural and religious diversity, with a tapestry of traditions and festivals that reflect the country's rich history and heritage. Nepal is a melting pot of different religions and ethnic groups, each with their own unique customs and practices. This diversity is reflected in the country's many religious festivals, which are celebrated throughout the year with great enthusiasm and passion. One of the most important religious traditions in Nepal is Hinduism, which is practiced by the majority of the population. Hinduism has a strong influence on Nepali culture, and many of the country's festivals and celebrations are rooted in Hindu beliefs and customs. One of the most important Hindu festivals in Nepal is the Dashain festival, which is celebrated in honor of the goddess Durga. This festival is celebrated for 15 days, and is marked by the exchange of gifts, the slaughter of animals, and the lighting of lamps. Another important religious tradition in

Nepali Best King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev :-

King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev was the king of Nepal from 1972 to 2001 AD. He was born in 1945 AD in kathmandu. He was the eldest Son of King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev. Birendra was educated in India and England before taking degree from the University of Tokyo in Japa n and Harvard University in the United States. He ascended to the throne as King of Nepal in 1972, following the death if his father, and was formally crowned in 1975. Birendra inherited a political system that banned the formation of political parties and allowed for the autocratic rule of the King though a non-party system of councils known as panchayats. In 1980, in the face of political demonstrations and general unrest king Birendra called for a referendum to allow the people to choose between the existing panchayat system and a multiparty system. The referendum returned a slight majority for maintaining the panchayat system with certain modifications. Birendra allowed a number of democratizing reforms, such

A Grate Political Hero Of Nepal :-

There are many political figures whose names have been written in a golden color in the book of history. Among them, Late Ganesh Man Singh is one, whom I am impressed very much with. He was a great , political leader whose might, labors and abled leadership brought real democracy in Nepal in 2047 B.S. He was then named ‘Father of Democracy Ganeshman Singh was born on 24 th kartik in the year 1972 in Yatkha, as an eldest son of Subha ganeshman Singh and Subhadra Kumari Shrestha. He was admitted in Darbar High School in class five but was expelled from the school in grade six for not having respected Rana’s children. He passed his S.L.C. from Calcutta. He was introduced to Nepali politics when he was studying in I.Sc. in Calcutta. He came to Rastriya Praja Parished. He was married to Mangla Deli immediately after he joined the party. The contemporary Rana government sentenced him to life imprisonment. His contemporary leaders Gangalal, Dharma Bhakta, Dashrath Chandra and Sukraraj who w

Insect Part of Nature:-

Insect is a small, air-breathing animal characterized by a segmented body with three main parts-head, thorax, and abdomen. In their adult forms. Insects typically have three pairs of legs, one pair of antennae, and in most instances, two pairs of wings. For sheer variety and abundance, insects rank among the most successful animals on Earth. About one million species of insects have been identified so far, which about half of all the animals is known to science. Insects live in almost every habitat on land. For example, distant relatives of crickets called rock crawlers survive in the peaks of the Himalayas by producing a kind of antifreeze that prevents their body fluids from freezing solid. At the other extreme are worker ants that forage for food in the Sahara Desert at temperatures above 47 degree centigrade. Insects consume an enormous variety of food. In the wild, many eat leaves, wood, nectar, or other small animals, but indoors some survive on a diet of wool clothes, glue, an

Caste System In Nepal :-

Caste is rigid social system in which a social hierarchy is maintained generation after generation and allows little mobility out of the position to which a person is born. The term is often applied to the hierarchical hereditary divisions. The world caste was first used by 16 th -century Portuguese traders; it is derived from the Portuguese ‘casta’, denoting family strain, breed, or race. The Sanskrit word is jati. The Sanskrit term varna denoted a group of jati, or the system of caste.The traditional caste system developed more than 3000 years ago when Aryan-speaking nomadic group migrated from the north to Indian about 1500 Bc. The Aryan priests divided society into a basic caste system. Aryan priest-lawmakers created the four grate hereditary divisions of socirty still surviving today, placing their own priestly class at the head of this case system with the title own priestly class at the head of this caste system with the title of earthly gods, or Brahmans. Next in order of ran

Ecosystem :-

Organisms living in a particular environment, such as a forest or a coral reef, and the physical parts of the environment that affect them are known as Ecosystem. The term ecosystem was coined in 1935 by the British ecologist Sir Arthur George Tinsley, who described natural systems in “constant interchange” among their living and nonliving parts. Coral reefs represent the most complex aquatic ecosystem found on Earth. Wetlands are complex ecosystems that provide spawning and nursery grounds for saltwater and freshwater fish, habitat for more than half of the migratory birds in the United States, and plant both exotic and commonplace. In addition to providing plant and animal habitat, wetlands play a crucial role in flood control and water filtration. The ecosystem concept fits into an ordered view of nature that was developed by scientists to simplify the study of the relationship between organisms and their physical environment, a field known as ecology. At the top of the hierarch