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Wild Life In Nepal:-

Though Nepal is a relatively small country, the population of wildlife it harbors is fantastically large. With only 0.1% of th world’s total area. Nepal is home to over 4% of this planet’s are mammals and 8% of its bird species including many, which are globally endangered. To date, 181 mammal, 43 amphibian, 100 reptile, 185 fish, 844 bird, and 635 butterfly and moth species have been documented in Nepal. The spine babbler (bird) and “Jalkapuri” (fish) have yet to be found anywhere else in the world. Similarly, the Atlas moth and a crake species recorded here are by far the largest of all their counterparts ever to be found.

Diversity in landform breeds diversity in life, and Nepal is rich in both. In its firm commitment to preserve, His Majesty’s Government of Nepal has established within its territory 14 protected zones incorporating 14%(20,452 sq. km ) of its total surface area. These include the Royal Chitwan National Park. The Royal Bardiya National Park , the Annapurna conservation area, and the Sagarmatha the-Phoksundo, and Lantang National park. From tropical creatures like the hyena, to alpine animals like the snow leopard, beasts of all shapes and sizes have found this land suitable to their living. The one-honed Rhinoceros is one of the most adamant survivors of this planet. The grate one horned Rhinoceros found in Nepal weighs, around 2100 kg. and can reach 180 cm. at the shoulders when fully grown. It has poor eyesight but its sense of smell and hearing are formidable.

Up until the 60s, the number of rhinos in Nepal was only between 80 and 100. But with the establishment of the protected areas, it has risen to more than 450. The Royal Bengal Tiger often termed as the “King of the Jungle”, the tiger is one of the world’s most magnificent animals. The Royal Bengal Tiger is a rich-colored, well-striped creature with a short coat. It usually weighs between 150 and 250 kg and can reach up to 300cm in length.

The Royal Chitwan national Park is the place, which harbours most of Nepal’s 250 tigers. Other protected areas where they can be sighted are: Royal Suklaphanta wildlife reserve. The snow leopard has its dwelling in the snow covered Himalayans. In Nepal, their habitat extends to 36,640 sq. km in the high altitudes among rocks and cliff-, above the tree line more than 3,500 m above the sea-leavel. The Gangetic dolphin, so named for their habitation in the gangetic waters, is a recent discovery in Nepal. The female species are larger than the males and they can reach up to 200 cm in length. They are no gregarious by nature. The Gangetic dolphins abound mostly in the Koshi, Narayani, Gandaki and Karnali rivers.

The gharial crocodile is one of the most prominent reptile varieties so far found in Nepal. In Nepal, they abound mostly in the royal Chitwan Nation Park, where one can even observe reproduction of gharials in breeding farm. The wild boar is distinctive for its hard tusks, sparse coat and flute crest or mane of black bristle reaching 90 cm and its weight may well exceed 230kg.These tusked animals abound mostly in the Royal Chitwan national Park, Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Royal Bardiya National Park and Parsa Wild life reserve


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