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Cottage Industries In Nepal:-

Nepal is an old, developing country with its own artistic history. Nepal, being a poor and landlocked country, to set up many factories and industries for the employment of its people is just a dream. Many people are unemployed. It is therefore the important of cottage industries in our country can hardly be exaggerated.Men make many things out of natural things. They may be made on a small or a large scale. Artisans make these things at home on a small scale. It is called collage industry. A small amount is needed for these cottage industries.
There are different types of cottage industries found to have set up in Nepal. Weaving cloth or garment is the most common of all. The other important cottage industries are spinning, cloth printing, embroidering, carpet making, carpentry, carving in wood, stones and metal, pottery, making utensils, basket making, shoe making, making of tools of iron and steel, mat-making, doll making etc.
Although Nepal is a small country there are many hungry mouths here. Most of them live in villages. Most of them live on agriculture. Besides cultivators, there are many artisans. Thus, a large number of people earn their bread by these handicrafts. Few mills and factories can not meet all the necessities of the people. Hence, there is great need of these types of industries in Nepal.There is a great value of our handicraft products in the international markets. Many peoples living in tourist areas, depend upon handicraft products. Many foreigners coming to Nepal buy our handloom and ‘handicraft’ products. Our hand made carpet got a great value in the international market. The government has been encouraging these industries. Electricity is now supplying power to the village. This will be of great help to the artisans for using small machines.
However, there are still many problems faced by these industries. Many of them who intend to open up such industries lack finance. The procedure for taking loan from the bank is still very difficult. People who have no land or house are not give loan in lack of education and training facilities. So, they don’t have efficiency in the work. Besides, the means of transport has caused a very great hindrance. The market facilities for these products are still very poor.
However, in our five-year plans great important has been given to the improvement to economic condition of the villagers. These industries are given priorities. Artisans are given facilities to get training in different crafts. Banks have been making the procedures of leading loan comfortable. We therefore hope that the future of our cottage industries in our country is bright.


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