It is an issue of subsistence that forces the children to take up menial jobs and give up their studies at an early stage of life. The parents of the poor children find it hard to continue their education and send their children to earn something and assist the family by all means. The parents of the child laboures face great difficulties to bring up their children and as a result, sent their children to earn their livelihood. These children are really unfortunate as they are forced to take up jobs for food. The children while doing the jobs send money to their parents. In tea stalls, sweet shops, in transportation such as porters and handy boy in tempos, they are mainly engaged. Many of the times, still very commonly they are employed in rich man’s houses as servants. A grate number of them are engaged in carpet making trade, tending of cows etc.
This inhuman trade can not be stopped unless a sever law is passed. Compulsory Primary Education would be of much use in this regard. However, the poor parents will not prefer to send their children to schools in fear of loss of income. Children are also engaged in small trade like shoe polishing. The problem of child labour can not be up rooted unless their parents are conscious and aware of their children. In fact these child labours die at an early stage as they do not get enough food and medicine for their survival. The child labour being very cheap they are employed by the greedy traders.
The exploitation goes on because poverty is the root behind all these. Time has come when nation should rise against such evil practice and pass suitable laws for the protection of the children.
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