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General Introduction of Culture:-

Culture and people are closely related culture is more or less the way of living. It has deep impact on people behavior. I think people try to save the culture basically  due two reasons first cutler is the identification of a race ,language, food, cloth, social life, festivals all have strong links to culture. It can present the real picture of the people & their civilization. They think that saving culture is saving them. That is the first reason. The second thing is that they want to spread their culture almost all over the world if it is possible. It makes them powerful. It gives them lots of banalities. I think People try to save their culture due to these reasons.
And culture is the identification of people there is deep relationship between the people and the culture without own culture the life of people is really difficult.Without the any culture in this word difficult to alive so this way we all need to protect our culture and developed it in forward direction,every country ,every city and every villages have their own culture and they are really happy due to this culture because culture is back bone of society.  


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