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Showing posts from September, 2011

General introduction of Nature:-

Nature is the greatgift of the god for the world without nature there is impossible of livingthings, all things can get from the nature without them we can not live. Naturehelps in the development of the nation .In nature there is altos of natural resourceslike river, lakes, forests, mountains, mines, and so on  .The country can easilydeveloped by using the natural resources . Nature is the strongly backthe economy of the country .When the economy of the country becomes strong,rest of the things become automatically adjustable and fit for socio-politiesdevelopment. By using the natural resources people can earn strongeconomic base. Nation also can getthe economic base by using nature of the nation when the nation provide allinformation about natural resources then the tourism industry candeveloped and directly help in the development of the nation. Therefor weshould shave our nature and keep healthy we are really lucky because we getthats type of nature so safe it in

General Introduction of Culture:-

Culture and people are closely related culture is more or less the way of living. It has deep impact on people behavior. I think people try to save the culture basically  due two reasons first cutler is the identification of a race ,language, food, cloth, social life, festivals all have strong links to culture. It can present the real picture of the people & their civilization. They think that saving culture is saving them. That is the first reason. The second thing is that they want to spread their culture almost all over the world if it is possible. It makes them powerful. It gives them lots of banalities. I think People try to save their culture due to these reasons. And culture is the identification of people there is deep relationship between the people and the culture without own culture the life of people is really difficult.Without the any culture in this word difficult to alive so this way we all need to protect our culture and developed it in forward direction,every

Introduction Of Nature And Culture In Nepal

Nepal is most beautiful country of the world.Nepal is the landlocked country and located in the South Asia,there are three types of different regions, one is    Himalaya ,second is hillsides and third is tarari.At the south side of the country Himalaya region is located,at the middle side of the country hillsides is located and at the North side tarari is located.Nepal is situated at the between of the two big countries ,one is India and another is China .Nepal is small country with an area 147,181 square kilometers ,but there is various types of  weather .The capital city of the Nepal is Kathmandu. There are  altos of big cities, Pokhara ,Dharan,illam,Dhankuta are some examples. The highest pick of the world is Mount Everest which is lies at Himalaya region of the Nepal,its name is Sagarmatha in Nepali language. There are many types of Peoples are live in this country like Brahman,Magar,Gurung,Tamang,etc.There are several types of dress of each religion. But there is good unders

Religion & Culture of NEPAL:-

Patron-Deity Swayambhu                                                               Nepal is rich in Culture and culture, therefore Nepal is known as multi religious to entire world.When the Nepal gets democratic republic nation, the people who live in this country living in various society and establish their own religion life in the world .Due to the division of land the life style of peoples are different from each other, in Mountain region there is one life style, at the hill region there is another life style and the tarai region there is another life style. And every society follows their own language culture, lifestyle and tradition with peace of harmony in Society.About 80%   are Hindu religion of total Population of the Nation ,about 10% Buddhist religion people ,they are live in the mountain region to mid hill ,valley   . And 4% Muslim religious people and other religious people live in different parts of the country .All peoples with

Natural Places for Tourism in Nepal:-

Lake in lap of mountain Mountain            Things given by nature for the development of living being are termed as natural resources . Water , air , forest , soil, minerals etc. are the example of natural resources . Nature has been so kind to us that it has bestowed all natural resources in our land . Nepal is a country with variety of climate , which has different types of forest depending upon them.  Nepal is one of the most interesting countries in the world .   Along with the natural beauty, the cities of this country are also one of the major points of attraction. The cities of this country are mostly renowned for their historical importances and the natural scenario. Though Nepal was quite less facilated two decades ago, now we can see the country longing for the advancement in every pace. There are many places in Nepal which are known for tourism they are given below and there is many kind and helpful peoples in eve

1) Pokhara:-

Pokhara is a place of remarkable natural beauty and peace. The serenity of Phewa Lake and the magnificence of the fish-tailed summit of Mahhapuchhare (96,977m) rising behind it create an ambiance of peace & magic. Pokhara is home to gushing rivers, emerald lakes. Thick forests and of course, the world best views of Himalaya. Tal Barahi Well, it is true that Nepal is a country full of natural beauty. In fact wherever you can see the picture like landscope full of natural flora and fauna. Many people like visiting & I have visited many different places in my life time .Among them Pokhara is the most important places that I have ever visited. Many people are attracted due to its natural beauty. Pokhara is a small city located at the lap of high Himalaya. There are many lakes, rivers & high mountains around it. It is also famous for its caves. There are mainly two caves Mahindra cave & Guptesher cave. There are also many temples, Bindhyabasini; Tal Barahi & Bhadraka

2) Karnali region:

There are many beautiful places in Nepal which all are famous, Karnali is one of them .In fact Mother Nature has endowed the country with amazing stock of nature, but we found the people of Karnali are virtually living in absolute poverty. Bridge Of Karnali River                                                  The possibility of tourism is abundance in the region, but due to monotonous attitude of the government, almost no efforts have even made to explore new vistas in the karnali region. There are many beautiful hills and lakes all are truly natural. In karnali region their present of beauties due to this reason many people’s are attracted towards karnali. For tourist there is many tracking tracks, we can see there the typical dance and foods which are famous in that area. The Nepal Government also gives important for the tourism in Karnali Region which is wealthy for natural beauty and culture. Karnali is the best place for tourism.

3) Ilam:-

Tea Garden Of Ilam                 Ilam is the one of the famous and beautiful place in Nepal which is mostly known for tea garden and situated at the Eastern Development Region of Nepal which is the border of India. The weather of this place is cold almost. There is many hills which are helps for increasing the beauty of this place .There are altos of tourists come for the tracking at the hill sides at Ilam .When we are included in this place we fell extremely peace, all peoples who live there are very helpful and there are also big and well managed hotels which can provide the rest place and there you can enjoy local culture of Eastern part of Nepal. The major economic source of this place is tea .The tea garden of  this place also help in the development of the nation .And the Nepali Government also give importance for the further development of this region and increase the number of tourist and major product tea .

National Parks, Hunting Reserve, Wildlife and Conservation Area of Nepal:-

Map of Nepal With National Parks  Jungle Safari on Elephant                          Nepal is rich in the nature there is great environment for the well development of the nature due to this reason many National Parks, Hunting Reserve and Conservation Area are found in this country. Among all the national parks   Sagarmatha (Everest) National Park is one .It occupies 1148 square kilometers region of the Nepal it includes the highest peak in the world ,Mt.Sagarmatha(Everest) which is 8848m highland other many peaks are in this National Park . Royal Chitwan National Park is the another national park of the Nepal which is lies at Chitwan (middle part of the Nepal) .It covers and established in1973 to preserve a unique ecosystem signification valuable to the whole world. Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Mustang Conservation Area , Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve , Shey-Phoksundo National Park ,Parsa Wildlife Reserve

Festivals in Nepal:-

God Durga                                           Most of the people are Hindu due to this reason many festivals are celebrated by Hindu as well as other Religious.  The great festival of Nepal is Dashai in this festival god Durga was worshiped by people. This festival also known as festival of new cloths and sweet foods. These festivals run at least 10 days in the Hindu Culture. In this festival the junior member of each family gets tika from hand of old member. We can observed that in this festival there is altos of loves and care in whole family the all family members gives respect for each other, and other festivals are Tihar,teej, The Machchhindra Jatra , Bajra Jagini Jatra , Ganesh Chauth , Nag Panchami, Ghoday jatra , Sita Jatra , chat, Gathia Mogal , Banra Jatra , Gai Jatra ,Holi Maghe Sankranti ,Maghi Purnima ,Loshar,etc are the main festivals of the Nepal

Cloths Of NEPALI People:-

National Dress of Nepal              Nepal is under the process of the development therefor Nepali peoples use simple cloths like Nepali women use kuta if they are unmarried and use sari and blouse after they are married and Nepali men use shirts tea shirts , topi(hat)  on their head. Many people’s are in agricultural field due to this reason people want to use comfortable cloths . But there is different different types of cloths of each society in Hindu there is one types of cloths ,  in the Gurung society there is another cloths ,at Limbu there is also another type of cloths and magar there is another cloths . At the area of city like Kathmandu, Pokhara , Dharan there is we can see people wearing modern types of clothes which are come from another Nation. There is different kinds of clothes which are especially use in great event of the respective society .Nepal is really great in cloths also.                     

Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Agriculture in Nepal

Agriculture is the backbone of Nepal's economy, with more than 80% of the population relying on farming for their livelihoods. However, the agricultural sector in Nepal is facing a number of challenges, including land degradation, lack of access to markets and credit, and limited access to modern technology and inputs. Despite these challenges, there are also many opportunities for the agricultural sector to grow and develop in Nepal.One of the biggest challenges facing agriculture in Nepal is land degradation. Much of the land in Nepal is steep and mountainous, making it difficult to farm. Additionally, overuse of the land, combined with poor land management practices, has led to soil erosion and loss of fertility. This has reduced crop yields and made it difficult for farmers to make a living. Another challenge facing agriculture in Nepal is limited access to markets and credit. Many farmers in Nepal lack the resources to market their products and access credit to purchase i

Travel in Nepal with Nature

Nepal is the best travel place in this world , here is a grate mountain views with full of peace. The second position in water, rich in forest and highest mountain makes Nepal more attractive and attract many people towards the Nepal . The three main different types of land also makes Nepal different and beautiful from other country. Nepal is a land lock country situated in between tow major country like China and India , Nepal makes equal relation with China and India. Many people visit in a single year , they comes from different parts off world specially they like tracking in Nepal . In Nepal travel and tourism is the one of the best major source of earning. Many Nepali people gets jobs for holding their tourist. Nepal is also rich in natural sources there is many rivers , and we know Nepal is the second large country in the world for water , but Nepali people doesn't use it properly , there are many hours Nepali people stay in dark night without current , there is lack of e