Logo of Nepathya Band |
Nepathya is one of the popular Nepales Music Band in Nepal. It is origin in beautiful city of Nepal called Pokhara. It is formed by three students and become more popular in folk songs with rock sounds of songs in new youths of Nepal. It is 3 members band at first and now there are six members in this band. Amrit Gurung is Vocals, Hari Maharjan is guitar, Suraj Thapa is Keyboard, Nikhil Tuladhar is Drums, Niraj Gurung is guitar and Subin Shakya is bass guitar. This band started their first album in 1991 name as "Nepathya" first album name is same with band name and later in 1993 they released another great album known as Himal chuchure and other albums are Min pachas ma, Shringar, Resham, Bhedako oon Jasto, Ghatana, Mero Desh and Aina Jhyal and Resham and Bhedako oon Jasto albums are most popular albums of this band and these two albums are key for the success of this band in that time.
Now days they are busy in their stage programs and we know that Nepathya is one of the first Nepalese Music band to perform at Wembley Arena Uk on August 2013 it is another great success for this band. Amrit Gurung is the back bone of this band and he dedicate his all life for this band and search way for the more popularity on Nepalese people.
Nepathya band members |
Amrit Gurung is effected by Gandhi and he is fully supporter of Gandhi ways in his life. Peace and harmony is the two things we generally found in his songs and in his life. Amrit Gurung is the only one member of this band who is member of Nepathya from first stage to now that's why we can called Amrit Gurung is back bone of Nepathya Band. His songs are not bounded inside Kathmandu Valley he is love to travel and he also loves to take photos of natures that's why we can listen all variety of songs of Nepathya by including nature, religious, loves, peace and harmony. Gurung travel near 70 districts out of 75 of Nepal by foot and this point show us how much he love to talk and sings with nature. Generally we know Nepal is one of the rich country in nature and Nepathya band is symbols of Nepali nature and cultures for the world. He helps Nepal to introduce with all countries by songs. One another fact of Nepathya band is being member of Nepathya band means serious journey. This band never stop their travel plans. This band already toured Finland, USA, UK Australia, Israel, Germany for their live performance.
Now due to political situation and other band facts Nepalese young generation leaving country for good job and Nepathya band is called out of country for performance because out country Nepalese people love this band so much. The album "Ghatana" released in people war (war started by Maoists) in Nepal and it describe about peace for country that is the best way of singing for this band.
We wise that in future this band will release best and best songs and become more popular in Nepal as well as in all over the world.
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